Sandbox Amoy
- BRLA Token Address Amoy: 0xA8AA3b44Afb4aA219ee12Ca4CE93C2081767BfDb
- BRLA Operator Smart Contract Amoy (address of the spender when signing the Burn and Swap Permit): 0x655328270123049AE1337C05B640213b1Ad081aB
- USDC Address Amoy (mocked USDC token deployed by us just for testing): 0xB063915A4F82fE2D6b5EDDF10c1FAAEbE043a7e5
- USDT Address Amoy (mocked USDT token deployed by us just for testing): 0xe5C39d2242daB739859990D15853CD45bd07D4b3
Sandbox Sepolia
- BRLA Token Address Sepolia: 0x0D0f2A1597aFaB9A2f0096165b4a20Ac8356Fd66
- BRLA Operator Smart Contract Sepolia (address of the spender when signing the Burn and Swap Permit): 0x914Cf72349f1192F4ef1662C7Da54EBd7536951A
- USDC Address Sepolia (mocked USDC token deployed by us just for testing): 0x5d52b1061195646e80bE79abbEa4E52A5c75D135
- USDT Address Sepolia (mocked USDT token deployed by us just for testing): 0x7169D38820dfd117C3FA1f22a697dBA58d90BA06